Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How I long for a real kitchen!

We have alot of plans for this place and one involves taking down the wall between the kitchen and what is now the bedroom. The bedroom goes to the other side of the appartment and there is room for an open kitchen/livingroom.
I've been giving this alot of thought and have been looking for a good kitchen soloution for quite some time. Either they are too expensive or just plain ugly. What I was looking for was a type of unglamourous, rustic and plain kitchen without unneccesary details that could fit in a small place.
I stumbeled over the great blog Door Sixteen and saw Anna's really cute, simple and inexpensive kitchen and was really inspiered. As a Swede you can imagine I have spent my fair share of hours at IKEA but I never really noticed the kitchen "Udden". It will be perfect for us! Thanks Anna!

from: Door Sixteen

And below you can see the sad little space where we cook now...

1 comment:

Anna @ D16 said...

Hej Emma! I'm so happy to know that my kitchen is an inspiration to you. Your new apartment looks beautiful (I love those windows!), I can't wait to see how it progresses in time. Good luck!

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