Tuesday, June 1, 2010

21,5 m² or 226 ft² in Warzaw

Jakub Szczesny one of the core architects of  Centrala , a polish platform for  architects working on different projects both interior and exterior, recieved the challenging task to create a functional space to be used by the owner 3-4 times a week and occasional weekends.With limited budget and time he created this colorsplashed, Mickey Mouse style mini appartment with a convertible kitchenette. I'm impressed by how he managed to fit all the functions into such a small space and even though the shower had to be placed directly in the hallway (Hey! mine is in the bedroom!) it looks very airy! I'm not wild about the purple colour but I really like the boldness of the screaming yellow/green floors. I also think that the kitchenette soloution is one of the best I've seen so far. View more images here.

via Design Boom


Shilo said...

I love the clever kitchen design but having a hangover in a house with floors that color would be a nightmare.

mette / ungt blod said...

i love that mickey mouse cartoon! And i need some of those ideas! we don't have too much space and are planning to stay in this apartment for at least 4 years! I need a really really good idea for having your bed in your livingroom!

design travellerh said...

Applause for the green floor!

Emma Busk said...

Shilo - I'm absolutely with you on that! Even a slight headache might be a problem for some, if you are sensetive to strong colours!
Mette - Me too! Actually I think some of my faschination with compact living came from that! They showed it on swedish television every christmas eve when I was a kid. Actually I think they still do! I'll give you a shout if I find something good on bed-in-livingroom!
Design Traveller - Yes! I'ts definately not for everyone but I like the fact that they haven't been that sentimental about the old wooden floors!

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