Friday, July 2, 2010

The cool kids

I grew up on the countryside on the island of Gotland. The small country store where my family used to go to buy food was one of the kind you hardly ever see anymore, where you could buy everything from screws and wellies to lipstick and milk. I got my first ever wrist watch there, with big numbers (my mother insisted) and a red wrist band. You had to wind it up every morning. I was six years old and so proud. Happily unaware of that the cool kids in town wore swatch watches. I sometimes wish I was that kid again.
The little store definately closed down five years ago and that summer, when I visited my parents, we went there to kind of say goodbye to an era. I bought the coolest digital watch ever. It had been hanging there since the 80's and it could play seven different tunes, the same kind that the cool country boys wore and drove the teachers mad with back in the day. It took the old man who owned the store half an hour to put the battery in, since his eyes were so weak.
As you can see I'm feeling a bit melancholic and very nostalgic today and I'm seriously considering giving up this city life.

from top:
Cosmesis Swatch Watch (1990) Designed by artist Alessandro Mendini.
Tennis Grid LW100 Swatch Watch (1983)
Grey Memphis GM100 Swatch Watch(1984)

Pics via 01 blog


Anonymous said...

whoa! I have that tennis grid swatch! I've had it for 25+ years! nice post--

Emma Busk said...

I guess you were one of the cool kids then ;)

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