Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Things I liked in 2010

Since 2010 is almost over and I know 2011 will be great! I just know it! For me the past year has been very varied and a little bit strange but in the end, it came out just fine. This blog has grown a lot in the past year and I'm so happy for all the interesting and inspiering people I've met through this blog! Thank you so much!! You are great! I've picked out a few things (one for each month) that inspiered me this year, the link is within the image, like a little recap of 2010.

January - Move in with me!

February - A gift from mom

March - Just perfect

April - Faye Toogood

May - C'est la vie oh la la

June- Bagggggs

 July - It's so hot in Copenhagen

 August (in august i didn't post anything because I was on vacation and got married ;))

 September - A house in Norway


November - Make faces

December - To live with less

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