Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tourists at home and roof top drama

Sometimes when you have friends staying at your place you rediscover your own city and remember why you love it so much. Thank you Hanna, Robert and little Lee for two amazing days!
We woke up after the Nørrebro Distortion festival night and discovered a guy sleeping on the roof of the building facing our appartment. He kept rolling closer and closer to the edge (you can see his arm like a little bump on the bottom pic) and us shouting and whisteling was no way near enough to wake him. We ended up calling the police who came and woke the tired man up. I hope he didn't get into touble because of us, but it was just too scary to watch and not do anything.


Iris Vank said...

Ieks, that looks scary! Think you did right by calling the police. And I do love the mountains you've posted above!

jokemijn said...

oh my, how did he ever get up on that roof? Best of you to have given him a hard wake-up call.

Linda said...

I think I can imagine that, but I haven't tried it yet! need to let someone out of town visit me and show them around.
btw. deffinetly the right thing to do!

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