The thing is, that for the second time in my life, the evil little bastard called cancer moved in to my body. I'm furious, frustrated and very sad. I thought I had done my round but suddenly he is back. Not as ugly as last time perhaps, but ugly enough
The good news are that it was detected at a very early stage and the doctors tell me that all the evil stuff was removed with the surgery I had. I will be undergoing chemo therapy for the months to come though, to make sure that awful son-of-a-bitch doesn't move back in. Therefore, this blog will be silent for a while.
Meanwhile I will be spending time with the ones I love and find ways to cure both body and soul.
I thank you all for stopping by and I hope to be back soon!
Image from here
O no, what an awful message. No words will have an actual effect, but I do want to say that I wish you all the best. And hope to read you back soon.
All the best wishes for you. Looking foreward to see you blog again :-)
Best wishes and warm thoughts from me:)
I wish you the best of luck kicking cancer's evil ass! Thank you for all the inspiring things you've shared here ...
Åh det er jeg ked af at høre!! Du må ha rigtig god bedring! Forblive positiv og holde modet oppe... Håber det er ovre for dig på nul komma fem...
Kærlig Hilsen
Sorry to read that. Take good care of your self. Wish you all the best. Lots of love from Spain
ohh dear, i'm speechless, and so sorry to read that. take care, take your time with your lovelies and i wish you a lot of energy for the next month!!!! i'm looking foreward to see inspiring posts from you!
Åh nej, hvor er jeg ked af at høre det!! Hvor er det uretfærdigt og hvor håber jeg alt ...ved næsten ikke hvad jeg skal sige, men håber at alt går som det skal og at du snart kan vende tilbage
Vær sterk! Lykke til!
All the best wishes for You! Strenght from Helsinki, Finland <3
I am sending you mountains of white light AND love !
Åh nej, sitter här med tårar i ögonen! Jävlaskithelvetes-cancer!! Stor kram!!
· { Emma ... mange mange tanker til dig ... sig hvis jeg kan gøre noget ...knus } ·
Fan också! Jag har tänkt på dig och anat att det var något i krokarna av detta vidriga som drabbat dig. Jag tror och hoppas att du är omgiven av kärlek och värme. Om du nån gång skulle behöva skriva till nån du inte känner (för mig har det varit viktigt - jag vet inte varför) så finns jag och jag kan ta emot vad som helst. Kramar.
Uha, for pokker da! Stakkels stakkels dig. Jeg sender dig alle mine bedste tanker, og håber du snart får det bedre igen.
Usch, vad tråkigt att att läsa det här:( Sådana här gånger känns ord rätt futtiga, men jag tänker på dig och håller alla tummar och tår jag har. Ta hand om dig så hoppas jag att du snart mår bättre.
dear 50 danska kvadrat,
i am sorry you have to go through this ordeal.
i wish you a fast recovery and that you should have the strength love and support you need.
i have been reading your blog for a few months now, and i wanted to thank you for exposing me to so much information and beautiful images.
i am sure you have fans all over the world- you should know that here too in Isreal you have a fan
get well soon!!
רפואה שלמה!
Har nyligen upptäckt din blogg och vill säga att den är mycket fin och inspirerande! Jag hoppas du kan koncentrera all denna konstnärlighet du uttrycker genom din blogg till en styrka att besegra denna sjukdom och hålla din kämparglöd vid liv! Önskar dig all värme och kärlek!
Kramar från en läsare,
good luck to you! sending you positive thoughts from brooklyn!
Get well soon!
Wishing all the best!
all the best! and thanks for all your beutiful posts. get well soon!
maya from Israel
( )
Just discovering your beautiful blog and sending all the best wishes.
I hope you get well soon sweetie,
Håller tummar och tassar för att allt skall gå bra!!!
sådan noget P.. - kender dig ingen gang, men følger jo med her - så alligevel - tanker herfra om det bedste . /Tina
sådan noget P.. - kender dig jo ikke rigtigt, men følger jo med her, så alligevel - mange tanker herfra for det bedste
I -know-, it sucks, but you beat it once and you will do it again! <3
try to stay strong and calm to beat it again! my best wishes and thoughts from Buenos Aires | Leandro.
So sorry, you're going through that. Best wishes through your difficult time. Hope to see you back here soon!
Jag tänker på dig.
I wish you all the best!
And thank you for sharing this with us.
Take care and have wonderful moments with your friends and family.
GEt well soon, best wishes
I wish you quick recovery and all the best in the future. I hope that you'll feel better soon.
Lot's of love and positive thoughts,
(from Slovenia)
best wishes!! take care.
I am so sorry to read this. Thinking of you....hugs /Caroline
I wish you and your family all the love, strength and understanding that it will take to get you and your loved ones through this difficult time. I will pray for your recovery. All the best to you and for you.
Mange tusindvis af gode tanker herfra!!!!
Peace and love to you this holiday season. Hope you are doing well!
Sikke et fint billed :)
De bedste tanker herfra. Mente budskabet var flot, blev udtrykt forkert, det beklager jeg, kan godt se det kunne forstås forkert. Havde billedet som baggrundsskærm da jeg selv gik gennem nogle svære ting, det et stærkt budskab.
This is the first time i have come across your site and i wanted to tell you how talented and insanely creative i think you are. It pains me that a young creative has to face such an ugly annoying trial. Praying you have a swift and successful battle/recovery.
Autumn Kimball
founder of
p.s. found you on interest
Kjære deg,
I was just doing my daily blog surfing looking for inspiration and came over your blog. I haven't even looked at it, but it moves me a lot to read that you are struggling with cancer. I have been there, and I know it's a tough place to be. Keep going and be well, and allow yourself lots and lots of time after treatment to heal mentally.
The very best wishes, H.M.
God bedring, ønsker deg alt godt!
We don't know each other indeed, as you said in your other post, i'm a stranger, but still, i'm sending you all my best wishes -i don't know you but as for any other human, i assume you're a treasure, a loving and loveable person, and therefore, here are some "pixelled" kisses and thoughts...***
Life, please be KIND to that dear one!
What a beautiful blog you have! Your english is very good and your posts is interesting to read! Keep up the good work my friend! :)
Hopefully you´re doing fine.
So sad to read the post, please get well soon.
All the Best,
Jag tänker på dig och hoppas så fruktansvärt mycket att allt går åt rätt håll.
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