Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm ok

Dear Friends, I'm posting to let you know that I'm ok and to say thank you for your support and your kind words. The last months has been a struggle in many ways but I'm happy to say I'm more or less through now. I haven't decided what will happen to this blog yet, but what I can say is that my focus in life has kind of shifted. So this blog will rest a little more while I'm catching breath.

Illustration by Yumi Sakugawa


Tiger said...


Rikke Storm said...

Det er godt at høre. Alt det bedste til dig.

Anonymous said...

stor kram finaste emma! säg till nästa gång ni är i jönköping, då får vi ses! ta hand om dig! -mia

mette / ungt blod said...

H U R R A!! Jeg ser først dit indlæg nu, men har tænkt på dig flere gange på det sidste (sikkert også af egoistiske grunde, fordi jeg savner alle dine small living tips :) ) MEN hvor er det godt at høre fra dig!

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